Plasma science and the soul as plasma

In A New Science of Heaven, Robert Temple shares his many-decades interest in plasma science with the reader, giving a history of plasma science research, important scientists in the field, and recent findings.  Temple is particularly intrigued by the two enormous Kordylewski dusty plasma clouds located within the Earth-Moon system.  Each of these clouds is four and one-half times the size of Earth, with an organized structure (one illustrated in the photo above).  According to Temple, dusty plasma has emergent properties that suggest it may have intelligence.  “The Kordylewski Clouds hovering over the Earth may well be vastly more intelligent than human beings”.

Shortly before he died, Dr. William Levengood told Penny Kelly that, “plasma is conscious, and it responds to consciousness”.  Levengood did pivotal work on the science of crop circles, proposing ion plasma vortices as the most likely mechanism underlying their formation.

So, what is plasma? Four states of matter are observable in everyday life: solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. Plasma is an ionized gas composed of positively and/or negatively charged particles, which have separated from the nucleus.  A gas is typically converted to plasma in one of two ways, either with exposure to a very high voltage (‘cold plasma’), or to an extremely high temperature (‘hot plasma’).  Plasma is formed within stars and is visible as auroras at the North Pole and the Sun’s corona. The plasma state is commonly generated by lightning, and within fluorescent and neon lights. Recently, there have been many cold plasma technological advances, with applications in medicine (wound healing and cancer treatment), agriculture (growth enhancement), combustion engines (increase in efficiency), and aerospace applications (hypersonic flows) (Colonna et al., 2021).  Plasma science may also underlie the development of the new trapped-ion quantum computers.

Early Russian scientists proposed that living organisms contain a form of plasma, which they termed ‘bioplasma’ (Inyushin, 1977), consisting of ions, free electrons, and free protons. Their experiments indicated that bioplasma is concentrated in the brain and spinal cord, and is produced by mitochondria, as well as absorbed from the environment.  In Inyushin’s view, bioplasma is a ‘cold’ plasma of highly structured collective excitations produced by the polarization of biological semiconductors (e.g., cell membranes).  Thus, the physical body may have an animating plasma body co-existing with it that regulates and maintains health.

At the time of death, the plasma body may separate from the physical body, which could account for the many reports of a mist or cloud-like formation that appears over the deathbed.  Here is a deathbed mist supposedly caught on camera in China:

In Glimpses of Eternity, Raymond Moody gives many first-person accounts of this strange mist.  For example, one physician reported seeing a mist over deceased patients.  “The mist had depth and complex structure…layers of energetic motion in it”.  Dr. Peter Fenwick and his wife Elizabeth, in their book The Art of Dying, give more examples of the mist that leaves the body at death.  One caregiver reported that, “it appeared like a fluid or gaseous diamond, pristine, sparkly, and pure, akin to the view from above of an eddy in the clearest pool you can imagine’.  With my mother’s death, I saw in my mind’s eye a vaporous cloud with her face on it, moving up along the side of the house.  While reading Moody’s book, it occurred to me that the different manifestations of this ‘mist’ could be indicative of the soul’s attainment in this and other lifetimes.

In his book, The Key: A True Encounter, Whitley Streiber asks, “Can the soul be destroyed?”  Michael answers, “An atomic explosion throws all plasmas into chaos…. Souls may last forever, but they may be exploited, even killed.  They can be executed.”  If true, if souls are composed of plasma  – living, conscious plasma – then the true horror of nuclear war is that large numbers of souls will be killed.  The cycle of reincarnation and soul development will end for those souls caught in a nuclear explosion.

From The Key:  “The energetic [plasma] world is much larger, vastly more ancient and more complex than the elemental [physical] one.  It teems with beings, many of them immeasurably conscious and invested across the whole sweep of time and beyond time.”  This is echoed in Robert Monroe’s accounts of interacting with nonphysical intelligences, such as a flaming sun in Ultimate Journey, which held no interest in interacting with him.  According to the I-There group soul of Monroe, the nonhuman [plasma] intelligences, “have a sense of superiority because they have evolved in a different way…these intelligences have abilities in the manipulations of energy that we cannot yet conceive of”.

The Soul as Plasma and Plasma science – something to keep an eye on in the years ahead!


Colonna G, Capitelli M, Laricchiuta A (2021) Cold Plasmas: Fundamentals and Applications. The European Physical Journal D, 75, Article number 242.

Fenwick P, Fenwick E (2008) The Art of Dying. London, UK: Continuum.

Inyushin VM (1977) Bioplasma: The fifth state of matter?  In (J. White and S. Krippner, eds.): Future Science: Life Energies and the Physics of Paranormal Phenomena.  Garden City, NY: Anchor Books.

Levengood WC, Talbott NP (1999) Dispersion of energies in worldwide crop formations.  Physiologia Plantarum, 105: 615-624.

Kelly P (2015) Consciousness and Energy, Volume 3, p. 83.  Lawton, MI: Lily Hill Publishing.

Monroe RA (1994) Ultimate Journey.  New York, NY: Doubleday.

Moody R (2010) Glimpses of Eternity.  New York, NY: Guideposts.

Streiber W (2001) The Key: A True Encounter.  San Antonio, TX: Walker & Collier, Inc.

Temple R (2021) A New Science of Heaven.  London, UK: Coronet.

Photo credit:  Saul Vazquez

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